Oh Yeah, I Forgot

Isn't it amazing how often and simply how easily we tend to forget. Now, I'd like to assume that the underlying reasons we frequently forget have something to do with the aging of our brain cells, the busyness of our demanding lives, and mass intrusion of media and social networking (like blogs).  I have to wonder just how much of what we forget is a choice, subconcious or not, due a lack of interest or involvement.  It also seems completely logical to me that we forget because we just do. 

There is that old saying that if men where to have children, we'd only do it once, if at all.  Women will always amaze me that in those long months of hormonal inconsistence, a little parasite growing within, and then that whole labor thing, that after a passage of time, they're all revved up to do it all over again.  Just one reason, or many, why women are completely amazing. The love God must have sewn into the hearts of women that allows them to "forget" the pain of childbirth is something I fail to wrap my mind around.   I'm still flinching from that nasal swab thrusted into my nasal cavity and scraping the backside of my eyes when I was tested for H1N1 (it was negative).  I truly doubt that such a lapse of time exists that will allow that memory to evaporate from my mind, or that will allow anyone to ever perform that test again.

And yet, when the tides of life come crashing in and we're faced with the unexpected, with loss and grief, illness and pain, rejection and isolation, and financial struggles, the art of forgetting becomes as simple as the involuntary act of breathing.  Our past successes, our support groups, our self esteem, our confidence and assurance, all take the great leap down the black hole of forgettfulness, pulling our hope along with them.  We quickly jump to worry.  We try to control that which is not ours to control.  We obsess.  And most sadly, we forget to rely on our God.  We kick God off the throne of our lives as quickly and easily as tossing an old banana peel into the trash.  We forget that as Paul advised and assured us in Romans, (paraphrase), If God Is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us.

I thank Max Lucado today for reminding me of how powerful and present my God is, always.  I don't have to worry about the news of today or the changes in my life.  I don't have to worry about the fear of loss or the potential affects of circumstance on my life.  I can just be, in simplicity, knowing that nothing is bigger than my God, that no one can stand against Him, that he will walk wtih me, and that in Him, I can stand the test of time.  So I will stop the worry, let go of control, and know that my God is in control.

I encourage you, my reader and friend, to explore the worries of your life and trust that God is for you, and nothing can stand against you.  Walk in faith and take the responsibilities that are yours and begin to allow God to see you through.  Seek wise counsel, be realistic about bad habits, set sound goals, and lead your mind where you want your life to go.  Never forget the lessons of the past. Never forget the success of the past.  Never let go of the God of the present.  And never let go of the dreams of tomorrow. 

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit http://www.rodneyvalandra.com and refer to the links page.)


  1. A few links of interest:




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