Rain, a Nap, and a Prayer

A day such as today was a good day for a nap, to slumber away the storms of outside. When the skies are dark with angry clouds full of moisture ready to be let loose upon the earth, it's a good time for a nap. I don't know what it is about storms and sleep. If you contemplate the importance of rain to the earth, to her vegetation, to the life whose roots depend on her soil, to the mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and so on, the rain of our inconvenience is really extremely important. Without water, life will soon end, as we are witness to in the hot summers as our grass turns brown or our water bills raise.

There’s a part of rain that I very much enjoy. I suppose in reality, the only thing I dislike of rain is driving in it, especially in the dark. I have a fond memory of sitting on my parents covered porch, with my Uncle, heavy rain crashing upon the earth, the skies filled with flashing bright white lights and the loud explosive thunder rumbling through my ears. It is a peaceful memory of a time in my late teens when I faced the realization that my father, a man who at that time I very much despised and yet also very much loved, could very possibly die within the next few days, facing open heart in the 70’s, a new and brave surgery for a very old killer. Sitting in the dark, the peace of the rain washing my fears. Rain has always been a blessing to me.

Life can crash upon us like a serious storm, catching us off guard, striking fear, uncertainty, worry, and pain through every corner of our lives. The storms of life can very much be like the storms of a good rain, showering down, giving life to what needs to grow. We are granted the great privilege of opportunity in the struggles of our lives to grow through the pain they bring. I’m not choosing to attempt to explain the unexplainable of the “why” of people’s struggles and pains, but rather to suggest that in our struggles, they give us the ability to choose a different direction in life.

As rain nourishes the earth, I suggest that prayer nourishes our souls in the storms of our lives. Prayer gives the opportunity to get out of the jumbled mess in our brains and to rely on a power not only bigger than we, but to rest in the assurance of hope in the power of our Creator. Prayer is the water of the earth that our souls need for survival, a link to our God, a conduit of connection to our Savior. Prayer centers our lives when the storms invade our serenity. Prayer allows us to focus on our God and not on our control, when feeling out of control. In the words of our late President Lincoln, “I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had absolutely no other place to go.”

I encourage you, my friend and reader, to give up your need for control when the storms of life come roaring in. I encourage you to begin the habit of leaving worry and control behind and fall in the presence of your God, seeking His comfort and peace. As rain gives life, prayer can become, as Corrie Ten Boom suggests, your "steering wheel", guiding you lovingly and gently into the arms of God. Pray often, and pray hard.


(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit http://www.rodneyvalandra.com and refer to the links page.)


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