Are You Serious?

Years back, I was in a conversation with a friend, who happens to be a very talented musician and a very devoted youth pastor, about music and musicians. I was irritated, and I suppose somewhat (if not a whole lot) judgmental, concerning the believe systems of local musicians and their influence on youth. My friend made this comment, loosely quoted due to dying brain cells related to my memory, “In reality, I find that most musicians are spiritual. Their music comes from God but they are misguided in how they hear it”. In my most open and loving manner, I can remember saying something like, “That’s a load of crap - I mean, have you heard song lyrics lately?”

A few months later I was driving home, flipped the radio on to a classic rock channel, and the harsh and distinct voice of Janis Joplin filled my ears with the pleasure of her voice. From the very moment I heard this talented, passionate, extreme woman sing, first blessed by her voice in the 70’s, I fell in love with Janis. My daughter can probably do a decent job singing “Mercedes Benz”. That day during my drive, Janis was singing, “Piece of My Heart”, a definite Janis classic. As the lyrics, “Take another little piece of my heart now”, sounded from the radio, it occurred to me that to become what God has desired me to be, this is the exact statement I must make to him every day of my life. “God, take another piece of my heart”. And Brian’s words echoed through my brain.

Yes, Janis changed the meaning into a search of a lonely misunderstood woman, who was searching for true unconditional love, which I suppose is somewhat of a statement of her life. But how often does God speak to us in a manner that would be lost if we did not have the ears to hear? How often has God reached into the soul of a person, changing their life forever, with something rather than the scripture? (And no, I’m not suggesting there’s more than one way to the Father.) How often do you and I miss out because we are too consumed with what is worthy of God and what is not, as if we wrote the book that God operates by. It makes me reflect about just how often we turn our eyes from the world because it’s just to filthy, not appropriate to be Christian or worthy of God.

No guilt intended, as I’m not a big fan. Can the lyrics of Janis Joplin lead an individual to Christ, to God, to Salvation? Can a horrific event open the closed eyes to the Greatness of God? Can the smile of a child show the complete love of Jesus? Can we grow in Christ from our sins and messes in life? It’s not my desire to give or state a “why”, but rather to encourage you, my friend and reader, to question yourself if in your man-made definitions of Christianity, of God, of Love, of Christ; you have limited your God’s very ability to touch your soul in a unique and powerful way. Is everything from God, probably not, but what are we missing? Rock on.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


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