"Be still and know that I am God"

I am reminded of one of my favorite Neil Diamond songs, “Beautiful Noise”. In the song, Neil is describing the beauty in the noises of the city. You can hear the multitude of rich and distinct noises in the background of his song. I like the noises of the city and there was a time that I would walk down the streets of Cincinnati and absorb the shops and food and drink. I have discovered a new noise and to me, it is the loudest and most beautiful sound, it is the sound of silence.

Today is the anniversary of a day 14 years ago that I began unknowingly to walk down a road that would lead to silence and solitude, where I have learned to be alone, still in His presence, realizing my completeness rests solely, totally, in who He is. Thomas Merton, in days long gone, wrote, “Solitude is not something you must hope for in the future. Rather, it is a deepening of the present, and unless you look for it in the present you will never find it.” The very act of reading his words brings my soul into a tranquility I could embrace, and will one day, forever.

I hear voices down the hall figuring out problems of this life. I can hear birds outside, unaware of their grateful audience. Humming surrounds the inner hearing in my ears of the computer and lights. My soul, as I write, yearns to be outside. Oh, the beauty of noise, the loving embraces of silence, the serenity of solitude.

Today, I will embrace gratefulness and love the Lord my God with all my soul, and love my wife, and embrace the childish qualities of my children. I will sincerely hear with the ears of my heart the worry and wants of others that lay beneath the surface. I encourage you, my reader and friend, to shut out the noise, sit or lay or stand, and hear the sounds that exist in your silence, in your mind, in God’s voice that echoes in your soul as you embrace His sounds of silence, and be still. Thank Him, for He is worthy of your praise.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest.)


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