Making Her Dream Your Reality

Ever wonder what your purpose is in life. Through the help of Stephen Covey, I’ve been able to discover my purpose, which has greatly guided me in all I’ve done, and in all I’m yet to do, by channeling my life through it’s purpose.  Will my purpose help me to "go down in history", probably not, but then again, that might not be my purpose.  It is my impression that most people who have made a mark in history never comprehended the magnitude of their action, or even intended the mark to happen. 

The name of Rosa Parks rests in the minds of most of us as Americans, no matter the color of your skin.  And I suppose there are those who even in this time despise the action she took to make a statement that she was tired of sitting in the back of the bus, giving up her seat to someone of a more acceptable skin color.  In her life she expressed having a dream she shared, "To this day I believe we are here on earth to live, grow, and do what we can to make this world a better place for all people to enjoy freedom."  I don't recall Rosa Parks being truly remembered for anything much more than sitting where she wasn't suppose to be sitting.  I'm sure there's more to the story, even if there doesn't need to be more.  Her action was fundamental to her cause and purpose.

We all have dreams, even if we fear their reality or the pain and work it takes to make them a reality.  And I suppose, again in reality, moving towards our dreams is not as hard as we might think.  But then, that could be the problem, maybe we think to much, feel to much, and act to little.  I understand, some of my dreams I've let evaporate into some abyss of forgettfulness.  As Ms. Parks has shown us, a little action can change the course of our lives and the lives of those around us, even of a nation.

Rosa saw life as a means to help all people be free. Freedom is not only physical, it is also social, relational, emotional, and spiritual. Explore what chains are binding your dreams from exploding into reality. Explore what stones you are allowing to weight your purpose down, convincing your mind of the "I can'ts" in the voices of others.

I encourage you, my friend and reader, to take the time to discover and understand the purpose of your life and the dreams that will take you there.  I encourage you to use the wisdom God gave you, that He said is yours for the asking, to control your mind and focus it on taking you in the direction you desire, towards your purpose, to serve your God and His people. Even when we feel insignificant, with little control, unable to impact our own life or the lives of other, we can still live our dreams that will drive our purpose that will result, knowingly or not, in changing the world around us. You can let your dreams fizzle in forgotten memories and desires or you can chase your dreams, on a bus, in a family, in yourself, in your God.  Make your dreams your reality. 

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


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