Anybody Got Any Change?

When reflecting on growth, Goethe stated, "Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do." As I reflect on his statement, I realize that change in our lives can take place quickly, miraculously, but more often, change is a long process and can require considerable effort on our part. The reality is that change is a process that very rarely is complete or results in perfection.

Many of us have relied on our own inner selves and will power to create change in our lives, to free ourselves from bad habits, from destructive addictions, from being self focused on our own lives and not on those who love us, from behaviors that harm ourselves and can destroy those we love. We somehow feel that in our flawed patterns of behaviors and faulty coping skills, we can "control" our way to change, or more accurately, we can "control" others to our way of change.

I have discovered in my life, and in the lives of the wise that have walked before me, that I cannot change that which is undesirable in me until I am completely willing to give my life over to God and through His wisdom and strength, allow Him to bring change. God does guide us in our change, and at the same time, we need to a have willingness and take action. We need to be submissive to God and walk the long and often painful road of change, knowing that with Christ at our side, we will complete the journey.

Change is a process that includes behavior, thoughts, and emotions. We cannot work on only one and expect change to occur. It's important to realize that all three parts of the change process are significant. There are times when we need to get out our heads and stop feeling and thinking and just do something, take action, and change our feelings and thoughts by our behaviors. There are also times when we need to be in our thoughts to contemplate change, to own our feelings, to take responsibility for our actions, and to move forward. Feeling the reality of where we are in life, of the rejection and fear and disappointment caused by ourselves and others, is normal; it is only when we hold to tightly to these emotions that we fail to let go and rely on God's strength in our change and growth.

I encourage you, my reader and friend, to focus on the three aspects of change; behavior, thoughts, and emotions. Explore in meditation and prayer, in mindfulness and purpose, what lies deep within you that is preventing you from becoming what Christ desires. Explore the behaviors, addictions, believe systems, habits, resentments, anger, and pain that are keeping you from giving up your control to be submissive to Christ, allowing Him to change you into the creation you were always meant to be.

Seek spiritual direction, prayer, accountability, and when needed or desired, direction from a clergy or counselor. Begin to let go of that which keeps you from changing and growing in Christ that you might impact those you encounter, helping you and them to move closer to Christ, for a life time.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


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