God told me it's ok
Isn’t it interesting that after God created the earth, all living creatures, and man, that he sat back, “saw all that He had made, and it was very good (Genesis 1:31).” God didn’t say, “Well, I guess it will do”, or, “wow, messed that one up”, or even, “not my best work, but hey, close enough”. No, He stepped back, admired His own great creation, and reflected on its very goodness.
And in that creation was man and woman, in His image. A completely self sufficient creation by a completely powerful God. And to this day, nothing avoids His observation. He continues to know us and love us, as we continue to both please and disappoint the Father. And all of nature, in our human definition of good and bad, all exists in the presence of the Father, all in His knowledge.
Have you ever wondered why, in our understanding of His greatness, as we attempt to be more spiritual, to contemplate His word, to be more “Christian”, we forget to take care of his very creation? Now, I’m not turning green on y’all, as much as I love my trees, mountains, and forests, but what I am referring to is you. Yes, you, and I, as creations of God, in his own image. We are creations of social, spiritual, physical, and emotional components, in need of being centered in life, in our existence with the Father.
Sure, some of us focus on perfecting the perfect body, improving our intelligence to be superior to others, view our value by the number of associates and friends we have, or compare our religious pedigrees to those around us. It is my impression that much of this we do for ourselves. How much true energy do we invest in caring for God’s most valuable creation, ourselves?
When was the last time you truly rested in His arms? In all the labors of life, the pleasing of others, the completion of list and chores, the running and hustling and pushing and shoving and on and on, do we truly stop and rest from our labors. How much time do we devote to true rest? It is my observation that we have become a culture who has forgotten to rest, or has bought into the lie that we must continue to achieve and succeed, never to take the time to sit under a tree and be, or walk the park with a child, or sit in contentment with those we love.
Impossible, you think. How impossible if you were paid $1,000.00 a month. Maybe the impossible just became quite probable. I encourage you, my reader and friend, to place as much value on your own wellbeing as you do on money, status, other people, and the like. I challenge you to embrace the time of rest in your life, schedule it, create it; elevate yourself into a place of worth, resting as a treasured creation in the arms of a Beloved Creator. Stop with the excuses, quit with the rationalizations, eliminate your avoidance, and rest. Its ok, God “said so”.
(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit http://www.rodneyvalandra.com and refer to the links page.)
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