The I in the Way

My wife pointed out, as I and the family were off to Potters Ranch, of what a great illustration my contacts were of how we allow things to blur our life vision. In fact, it demonstrates more accurately how our choices and lack of making a choice, results in our putting the very roadblocks in our lives that we struggle to overcome. If you were to be honest with yourself (not that you have to let anyone else in one this), and evaluate the barriers that get in the way of your professional, spiritual, marital, or relational visions, what obstructions would you see that are of your own doing? What would you see that you are doing that is causing you not to see clearly? I have found that in my case, the root often lies is some realm of fear.
Jesus reminds me that I need to take the blocks out of my own eye before I can see those of others. He also reminds me that my true peace and understanding only comes from Him, my God, my Guide, and that it is the I of me that gets in His way. So, my friend and reader, how often do you place the I of you, your own desires and wants and addictions and habits and fears in the way of complete trust and reliance on God? How often do you shove God from the throne of your soul and fill your spiritual eyes with thousand of specks of filth, barricading your spiritual vision, and clouding the authentic you God has created? I challenge you my friend and reader to spend some quiet time with God, in solitude, hearing what He desires you to see, aiding you as you put your contacts in, and seeing His world for you more clearly.
(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)
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