God told me it's ok
Cloudy and dark skies, wonderfully crisp and cool days, windy – now that’s what I call napping weather. Sitting in my office, day dreaming out the window, thinking that it’s a good day to take a break. Funny how we physically and psychologically respond to weather, often in a subconscious manner. I suppose its all part of life’s rhythm. Isn’t it interesting that after God created the earth, all living creatures, and man, that he sat back, “saw all that He had made, and it was very good (Genesis 1:31).” God didn’t say, “Well, I guess it will do”, or, “wow, messed that one up”, or even, “not my best work, but hey, close enough”. No, He stepped back, admired His own great creation, and reflected on its very goodness. And in that creation was man and woman, in His image. A completely self sufficient creation by a completely powerful God. And to this day, nothing avoids His observation. He continues to know us and love us, as we continue to both please and disappoint the Father. And all...