Yep, We're A Miracle

The word miracle means so much too so many different people. According to Webster, a miracle is “1: an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs; 2: an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment; 3 Christian Science: a divinely natural phenomenon experienced humanly as the fulfillment of spiritual law”. Nice definition for something that is often unexplainable, open to interpretation, and to be quite honest, takes a degree of faith to believe and understand.

I often gaze out my third story window, through tinted glass, across the blacktop parking lot, at the very tall and thin tree, tallest and oldest in the woods, looking back towards me, welcoming me every day. What a miracle he is to behold. I look at my wife and see the love she has for me (which I don’t completely understand – if you knew me, you’d understand this) reflected from the pools of her blue eyes, that cute girlish grin, both saying I love you. My children are miracles in more ways than I can imagine, from their very existence too their good health too the love they have in their souls.

If you’re anything like me, you walk the earth in routine patterns and designed quests, tasks to accomplish, money to be made, people to see, habits practiced so thoroughly they become automatic, forgetting the miracles of God’s beauty that surround us in every minute of every step we take. We don’t notice the pond we pass every day, full of ducks and swan, guiding their babies, teaching them to survive. We miss the beauty of the rain, the black clouds, the eventual sun, and the colorful rainbows. The trees of splendid color and the thick patches of forest and rows of flowers along the roadways are missed by our focused eyes. We no longer smell the scents and hear the sounds of life we were so tuned into in our younger days. All of God’s miracles, present for us, every day, if we’d just take the time to see.

And that miracle we look at every morning, throughout the day, and probably one of the last we see before our slumbered retirement. We miss seeing the miracle of I, of you, of who we are, and that in our own faith of such unbelievable miracles, we rest soundly in the arms of God. Yes, we are greatly blessed through the love of Christ, to be united with an Awesome God, miracles of His miracle, of His love, forever.

As you go through your day, I encourage you to remember who you are. You are not what the world has decided; you are what He has decided. Embrace his Version of you; strive to become Him, through prayer, meditation, reading, study, and learning. I encourage you, my friend and reader, to let the scales of this world fall to the wastelands of nothingness and claim the heritage and rights you have as a child of the King. Drink Him in, let your God be your addiction, and submit to his miracle.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


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