Mirror Mirror on The Wall
Our physical view is not all that reflects back to us from the mirror. If we look closely, behind the skin and flesh, we will see the condition of our minds, of our hearts, of our souls, reflecting back to us the values, morals, and priorities of our lives. We tweak these as well, seeing what others see, blacking out the condition that lies within. The business person, not the affair maker. The father, not the porn addict. The mother, not the rejected lover. The son, not the addict. The Christian, not the sinner. And on and on. Some of us look into this inner mirror and see nothing reflecting back, walled away from our inner selves.
Don’t misunderstand, I speak not of guilt, I’ll leave that for those better than I. I speak of seeing our true condition that lies behind the masks we wear. What’s your true condition? What is keeping you from aligning your current condition to that of your desired condition? Those in your life, your support group, are they vested in helping you become who God has created you to be or do they find comfort in helping you be the masks you, and they, wear. What habits have you avoid, what change are you fearing?
I encourage you, my friend and reader, to begin to comb the fibers of your soul, not only the hairs of your head. Trim the destructive habits from your life, not just the nails of your fingers. Wash the state of your heart clean, not just the dirt from your body. Purify the condition of your soul, not just the condition of your mouth. Make the check list of soulful duties to understand the masks to give to God, allowing you to be submissive to His will, allowing Him to cleanse the reflection from His mirror. Surround yourself with people who desire your success. See the truth, His truth. Be the truth, His truth. Begin to like the soul reflected from His mirror.
(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit http://www.rodneyvalandra.com and refer to the links page.)
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