Perceptual Beauty

Of all the events I look forward to on my lazy trips to Florida, on the shores of the Gulf, the most beautiful is by far the sunrise and the sunset of each coming and going day. Being more of a fan of the cool crisp mountains, there is something special about sitting on the white sands of Long Boat Key, the roaring of the waves as they claim more territory, washing away the castles of youth, watching the sun fall into the distant ocean waters, disappearing until tomorrow, claiming a new day. If your mind is flooded with pleasant and peaceful memories, you know what I mean.

Waking up to the falling snow, filling the skies with white purity, covering the green grass and colorful autumn trees with layers of fluffy white, is a different scene, yet equally beautiful and peaceful. The crispness of the air, the cold embrace on skin and face, awakens the senses to the beauty of winter, the coming of a new season months away, beginning new life, birth, and childlike wonder of what life will bring.

Not being a fan of the heat, and much preferring the cool air, I still have the choice to decide how I will view my environment, the condition I’m in, and deeper yet, the circumstances I find surrounding myself. It is hard at times, but I continue to challenge myself that I am not a victim, that my power rests in having no power that is not mine to have, and resting in that understanding. I can choose to hate the heat or love the beauty it brings, hate the cold or bask in the snow it brings; the choice is mine.

I know that there are times beyond my control, and I also belief that if I’m honest with myself, those times are very rare. I encourage you, my friend and reader, to be honest with yourself and to challenge yourself by reviewing your perceptions and choosing to see what you might not automatically see. I also encourage you, my reader and friend, to explore ways you can make your own sunrises and create your own pure white pure rebirths, to change the course of your life, to redirect the condition of your mind, and create a new heart condition.

Whether that is related to family, work, children, marriage, school, etc, we often have the ability to view life in a new dawn and a new manner, filled with the love and child like wonder that God instilled in every corner and crevice of our souls and minds. As Tony Evans once said, “If you want a new job (or life, family, marriage, etc), the first thing you have to change is you”, or to interpret a bit, your perception. Choose to see the greatness that is at your fingertips, or maybe more accurately, that rests at the corners of your mind. The choice is, as always, yours.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


  1. Rodney,
    Thank you for posting this! I am so in love with life right now and nature, of any kind, is the purest reminder of God's awesomeness to me. I love it when it rains, and I love it when it snows, and I love it when it's hot, and of course, my favorite is the Fall because it stimulates so many senses. There is beauty everywhere if one just looks. But what perterbs me so intensely is when I am loving just breathing in the air and someone is complaining about the rain, or the cold, or whatever! It really distracts from the joy. C'mon people! My mom used to say..."Every day you wake up and your feet hit the floor in the mornin''s a Great day!" I wonder if people would complain if they thought it was their last day to breathe? Don't fall into the trap of squelching your own joy! Life is amazing and beautiful. As always, thanks for listening! -K


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