Super Spy?

And of course, the ultimate spy of all time is the one and only Bond, James Bond, 007, licensed to kill. You can almost hear the famous music in the background, the popular song from your favorite episode ringing in your ear. There are varying opinions as to what actor was the best and greatest James Bond of all times (Sean Connery would be the answer, of course). Bond was famous for bravely and courageously walking into danger that would cause most to shudder in anxiety and become paralyzed in fear. Bond could get himself out of any jam, save the day (and country too), give honor to His Majesty and To England, come out of it all looking great, and always got the girl. Thank you, Ian Fleming.
In one episode, a missile is preparing to launch, and one can hear the voice of a woman with a Russian accent counting down the launch in the background, as James attempts to fight off Jaws, another attempt to destroy the world as we know it, by an evil and power hungry villain. The count, “10 minutes and counting; 9 minutes and counting; 8 minutes and counting”, and on until the fatal word “launch” is announced, and at last, the missile is launched and doom appears evident. And James gets serious, defeats the bad guy, and salvation is won yet once again.
And today, the countdown continues until that big climax of December 25, Christmas day, when all can rest and enjoy the results of the stress filled past days of all the efforts to make Christmas meaningful for all. Just two more days of shopping, getting in the mix of all the people and cars and stress and anxiety and on and on and on, until at last, Oh Holy Night, it’s done. Or, for some, travel continues, stress of family continues, and rest will not take place until the day after Christmas, when all the presents are unwrapped, all the toys played with, and relaxation begins, or at least until the returns begin and the bills come in at the end of January.
And yet, in our attempts to be all for all and buy all for all, do we lose out on the meaning of our celebration? Do we forget why we give and why we receive? Is love just a word sewn on a pillow or written on a sign, shallow without meaning. No guilt here, it happens to us all. We become entangled in what we swore last year we would never do again; the bills, the stress, the misery, the forgotten child.
And yet, in the doom of a forgotten season, of a forgotten reason for the Celebration, all is not lost. For to us is born a child who will save the day, who will lead us to our salvation, who will defeat the power hungry evil villain, reuniting us with God, and peace will return to the world as we know it. Oh yes indeed, Oh Holy Night, let us never forget. Let us embrace our savior and understand why we are what we are, not from our own righteousness, but from the sacrifice of a God who loves us beyond belief, in the birth and death of a Savior for all mankind, to rest, in that Silent and Holy Night. Take a breath, trust your Savior, and know that He will defeat your misery, He will defeat the villain, and He will conquer all. And in fact, He already has. Smile more and love more these next two day, embrace the love of a Child, the love of a God, and enjoy a Merry Christmas.
(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)
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