Oh, That Beautiful White Death

Oh, the beauty of snow, white fluffy flakes, fills the skies, falls upon our earth, a freshness and visual splendor for our eyes to see. Snow fills aging hearts with the memories and wonder of their long past youth, reliving for just a moment the child like joy of falling snow. Snow excites and energizes millions of youth who pray to stay home from school and enjoy endless hours of white filled fun. Snow covers the landscape with beauty and awe, a canvass of fresh paint from a Skilled Master Artist. Oh, the beauty of snow.

Oh, the horror and misery of this white torture, falling all over the roads, making life miserable, another struggle of endurance in an already difficult journey. This white death that covers the winter and causes so much agony for so many people, just wish it would dry up and go away. Oh, the dislike of snow, wondering why God fills the day with this awful stuff.

I’m sure there are multiple degrees between the above two descriptions of snow. Life brings us some many moments of beauty for one, misery for the other. Our perceptions are molded by our experiences and how we view life. The beauty of the ocean can be fear of death to another. The miserable heat of Florida can be a vacation get-a-way for another. The majestic mountains are hurdles of discomfort for others. So many ways to perceive our existence.

Unlike perception, acceptance is realizing the reality of our situation and understanding our level of control and influence. In our attempts to accept what we don't particularly care for, we build character and understanding of ourselves and the world around us. We learn that giving our energy to what we cannot control or influence is indeed giving up our control, which in reality, is our ability to choose our attitude and perceptions in life. Giving our energy up to what we cannot control leads to our own depression, anxiety, frustrations, anger, and misery, giving us nothing but lost hope and sleepless nights.

Acceptance is letting go and realizing that in giving up control, we gain all the control we need. I encourage you my reader and friend to refocus your energy and efforts towards what you can influence and what you can impact in your life, leading you towards hope and joy in life. However you view the snow, the beach, the heat, your in-laws, your job, etc, is rather irrelevant, as your perceptions will not change anything except your own attitude and whether your inner self drifts towards misery or joy, anger or compassion, hate or love. Today, let it be, practice acceptance, and enjoy your life.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit http://www.rodneyvalandra.com and refer to the links page.)


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