Not Retired Yet
I assumed I’d encounter other academic likes and military personal as well; officers I would gather. And, upon arrival, I was right. The setting was smaller than I’d figured, and more formal. We were greeted and escorted to our seats, the second row of seats from the front row, name tags on our chairs, feeling rather important. My wife’s uncle and his wife greeted us rather warmly; he stated what a surprise it was to see us as unknown to me, our attendance and arrival was a secret to him. There were many suited scholars and many military officers in attendance.
The host began his introductions, the flag of the United States was honored and the anthem was played (oh how that song still continues to deeply touch my heart), and we sat for the beginning of the ceremony. That’s when the unexpected began to happen. The pastor of the other gentleman who was also retiring rose, took the podium and prayed very earnestly, very sincerely, and very real. God was invited to the ceremony. This I did not expect. Then the unexpected continued, as speaker after speaker praised the living God, time after time. The pastor of my wife's uncle closed the ceremony in prayer, honoring the God of the Universe for one last time before the ceremony ended.
It became very apparent that God was a major player in the lives of all who spoke and of the two men who were retiring. The stories told, the tears that were shed by these men in the view of all, the power of God that they testified to, was moving, was unexpected, was warming, and appreciated. God was in the house, and these men invited Him in every day of their academic careers, and every day of their military careers, both active and retired. Yes, God was in the house.
You never know when God will show up, and I suppose, we should never be surprised when He does. God is in the wind of a cold winter morning. He is in the night sounds of crickets, frogs, and birds, and the howl of a distance coyote. He is the rustling of the leaves as branches dance and bend in His power. He is in the cry of the baby, the joy of a child, the struggles of a teenager, and the lives of a family. God is everywhere, and thus, we are never alone.
Our savior doesn’t just exist at Christmas and Easter; he walks the paths of our lives every day, unknown or known by us, He walks the roads of our lives every day. Our God doesn’t retire from our lives, He owns every aspect of our lives. Our Savior doesn’t abandon us, he embraces us, in our joy, in our pain, whether we ask or not, He is there. We should never be surprised when God shows up, for wherever we are, wherever we go, God is with us. His promise is true, his salvation is Final.
Today, understand that God is with you. Today, don’t look for God, just see Him, as his presence is everywhere. He exists in all and through all. Today, embrace the child whose whole purpose was to be born to die so that we might be born again, never to die, always to walk with the ever present God of our creation, a bridge from sin to Salvation. These men spoke of academic retirement, and looked forward to where God was to take them now. Let us walk in their examples and never retire from our lives with God, from growing in grace and mercy, from loving all of His creation, and from embracing and walking with a God bigger than our understanding.
(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)
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