Oh, For The Love Of God!

In my solitude, when I can get it, I find at times drifting back mentally; reviewing the many paths I’ve walked in my life. Truly, none of them cause me great regret or remorse. Sure, there are paths of embarrassment, hurt pride, foolish acts, memories I’d rather not have, but no real regrets, as each road, each path, has taught me the true road towards life, towards Salvation, towards God. I still walk roads that will lead to future memories I’d rather forget before they occur, but in my humanness, I know that these roads will need to be traveled.

In those moments of solitude and contemplation, I can rest in my serenity and appreciate the changes God has orchestrated in my life, and thus, in the life of those I encounter. Most of my friends of the past or my family of the present would never have imagined I would be were I’m at in life right now, and in that statement, rests the true power of God. And yet, the reality also exists that inside me lurks a beast that if I’m not careful, can arise and wreck havoc on my soul and the souls around me. I am quite aware of the beast that lies within, and that I’m only one faulty choice from screwing up all that God has granted and blessed me with in my life.

We all have those demons that lie in the tombs of our soul, waiting to raise their ugly heads, to show themselves in anger, frustration, hurt, rage, manipulation, lies, and all the forms of destruction, provoked against the souls of others and the soul that rests within ourselves. Our connection with our God and our relationship with our Savior is the only way I’ve found to keep these demons at bay.

This Christmas, as I sit in contemplation of how Christ has blessed me, how God has crafted my life to be what it is today; I rest in total peace of the blessings I have. I have a wife who loves me beyond my understanding, who tolerates what I find intolerable within myself, who struggles with her own ghosts and their haunts, and who yet has never left my side. I have been blessed with a son who even though he has seen my human weaknesses at times, forgives me, loves me, is proud that I’m his father, and makes me proud to call him my son. I have a daughter who believes that I cause the snow just for her enjoyment, who makes the world spin just for her, who feels she can rest in my arms and be secure and safe. God has blessed me with this woman of mine, this wife, who continues to bless me, and through her and God, continues to fill my life with joy. Without God, I would have nothing, for their love rests in His Love.

I encourage you my friend and reader, to sit in your own solitude and truly contemplate the blessings God has placed in your life. The people you are blessed with are not perfect, as my family is not, but to have life without them, I cannot imagine, as I’m sure you cannot image as well. Today, be Blessed and Grateful and Thankful, this Christmas, in the love God has shown you through His Salvation and through His Sacrifice, that through His Love, He has brought you your love. Today, Love, and Be Loved.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit http://www.rodneyvalandra.com and refer to the links page.)


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