
Time continues to move forward, much as the colors of the fall trees continue to brighten, fade, and leave the safety of their branch homes, covering the ground, preparing for the winter.  With a new year comes a new spring and new growth, from that which passed before, from the activities of the winter, from the changing seasons and climate of the environment.  The cycle of the seasons comes to an end in winter and begins again in spring.

We’re much like the cycles of the seasons.  We are born, we rely on the warmth and sustenance of our mother, the protection of our father, and the support of our family.  We grew from child to teen, discovering the self of who we are created to be.  Growth moves us forward into adulthood, and eventually, we grow old, and we too return to where we came.  The cycle of life comes to an end on this planet and begins again in our immortal state with God.
Along the way, we make choices in our lives, all in an effort to get our needs met, to find love and happiness in relationships, to discover our purpose in life, to find the self that God has blessed us to be.  And in this we walk the journey of our life, making our way up hills and down into valleys, over roadblocks and hurdles, embracing happiness and joy and enduring heartbreak and sadness.  We lower our walls of vulnerability to let others in and rebuild our walls of boundaries to keep others out. 
We make mistakes along the way, and as we embrace hope, as Frankl taught us, we continue to embrace the life God has granted for us.  As January approaches with a new year with new opportunities, it is wise to reflect over the past, not to wallow in it, but to explore how to grow from it, making our next year of life blossom into the beauty we are designed to be. 
Let us look in all directions to seek the lessons life will bring.  Let us not run from our selves or fear what we do not understand or what we cannot envision.  Let us gain the wisdom to learn from roadblocks and the strength to persevere in trials.  In the remaining 39 days of this year, begin to discover what God desires for you by learning a lesson each day, even if it is the same lesson presented in 39 different ways.  So, the end of the year school is in session, let the learning begin.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


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