Now That's A Fire

The family gathered, cooked, ate, enjoyed the Thanksgiving dinner, enjoyed time together, took naps, and relaxed.  The three guys build a huge fire, flames surpassing 20 feet, pine trees burning as the sun went down, the heat warming the cold New York air.  Three woman sat inside, watching the television, comfortable inside from the cool temperatures in the darkness of outside.  Watching the flames, feeling the heat, being outside, it just felt good.  Sitting inside, watching the guys in the cold of darkness, outlined buy the flames of the fire, they felt happy to be inside.  Different views to same situation and different definitions of being content and happy.

As we move closer to the end of an old year and the beginning of a new year, we all sit at different places in life.  Our perceptions of where we are and our desires of where we want to be become more profound. Sometimes the struggle in becoming motivated to make the changes we need in life to live the life we desire is moving past our complacency and our contentment.  Watching the rhythm of a fire and listening to it's roar is soothing, but remaining in front of the fire too long can put us into a trance, avoiding the self care to not freeze in the cold air.  Staring into the mindlessness of television can zap our desire to interact and impact the world around us.  At some time, we must all get up and walk out of our comfort zone, pushing the walls of our box out, widening the experiences and growths of life.

Today, become aware of those habits, thoughts, actions, and attitudes that keep us rooted into the zone of nothingness.  Dream of what you can accomplish and how your life would be full of deeper meaning, relationships, and self awareness as you reach beyond your zones of normalcy and mediocrity. Write your dreams and the steps you will begin to take to change the attitudes and mindsets of staying stagnant into a belief system of growth in life.  Letting go isn't always easy, or that is, it isn't easy until you do it, realizing that what you were holding to was really not that important in the first place.

Alcoholics Anonymous has a saying, "let go and let God".  Yes, it is a simplistic saying, but in reality, simplicity is often where we find our meaning, where we often find our God, and where we often find ourselves.  Today, begin to let go and embrace the change that awaits you.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


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