So, I See

Listening to Christmas music, the song, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”, plays and as I look out the window, it is cold, but I won’t say it’s looking a lot like Christmas.  The skies are blue and very clear, not a snow cloud in sight.  But then again, just because I view Christmas time as a soothing blanket of snow doesn’t necessary mean the next person sees Christmas the same. 

Change is much like the holidays, we see it differently, yet we see it just the same.  Some of us see change as huge and challenging, others see change as exciting and worthy, while others see change as fearful and scary.  How we see change is probably motivated by our experiences and the views of those who still whisper silently in our ears, scripting our belief systems and views. 

Change entails many factors, and I suppose the first is to recognize the need for change.  To recognize is begin to see that change is necessary, or at least desired, even if at the same time the efforts of change are nonexistent or the thought of change brings fear and apprehension. 

As we grow and change becomes inevitable, allow yourself to relax and just begin to recognize the flaws you desire to correct, the belief systems you wish to modify, and the behaviors you want to adjust.  Recognizing the need and/or want for change is to begin to see what is in the way of becoming the authentic self, the one created to be, the original design.  It is the first step, and maybe even an inactive step, that slowly begins the process.

Today, sit back, with a good cup of coffee, and let your mind embrace the Spirit of God, allowing yourself to see what He sees in you, and write the changes you are allowed to see.  Don’t be afraid and don’t analyze what comes to your mind’s eye, just be, just write, put the pen down, and relax.  Tomorrow is another day for another step.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


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