That Intention Thing, You Know

You’ve heard that old saying about good intentions; the road to hell is paved with them. My life can be so full of good intentions. I plan on this and that, to call him or her, to visit this person or that person, go here or there, and never quite achieve it. And then again, like Thomas Merton is known for saying, and I paraphrase, I don’t always know where I’m going and even if I’m going in the right direction, but at least I’m going and trying.

Relationships are very much most significant with me. I have to admit that my failure to follow through with intentions is very much tied to my desire for relationship and my belief that nothing is more important than relationships. I feel blessed that I was raised on Indian Time, even if the residual effects are an occasion habit of being late. Indian time is I’ll get there when I get there, focusing more on relationship with the Creation versus time. In discussing this with my mentor one day, who is African American, she laughed and said, “Oh, that’s colored people time”, sharing with me her version of the same experience as mine.

In reflection, I have to wonder if not following through with good intentions is actually a positive choice at times. Tonight was just such a time. What began as a light “how are you” in a social networking atmosphere, God blessed me with a close encounter of a most wonderful kind. Had I focused on my good intentions, I would not have had the opportunity to connect in a way that was meaningful to me to a young man who is equally important in my life.

I encourage you, my friend and reader, to take the time and make choices in your life that lead to improved connections, with people, and with your God. Avoid, and stop, those actions, beliefs, and habits that seperate you from others. God brings people and opportunities to us that if we are not careful, we will miss. Being blessed by the conversation of another is much more significant that any good intentions. I challenge you to evaluate when you put the unimportant over the important, a television show over playing with your child, a bottle of alcohol over authentic relationships, work over love, rigidity over spontaneously embracing the life of another. For today, I am blessed, and for that, I thank you, my young friend and brother.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


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