All You Need Is Love

The eyes of a child are like windows of authenticity, lacking the influence of the world, untainted by its reality. Their eyes are full of wonder, and the emotions that shine from them, whether that emotion is pain or joy, is pure. Their eyes search our eyes, looking for security, hope, love, and comfort. Their eyes look for assurance, for guidance, for acceptance, and for love.

The love of a child is just as pure, in its most simple form. There are no demands, no conditions, no stipulations, just love. When we witness the love a child has for its creature of comfort, whether that is a blanket, a teddy bear, a stuffed dog, whatever that creature might me, we see the love a child has in his best friend. In time, that love and trust and comfort is passed on from his bear to his parents, to his siblings, to extended family, and eventually, to a family of his own.

Love is such a powerful emotion, and at the same time, an equally confusing emotion. There is so much in life that affirms the emotion of love, our people, experiences, and joys. And yet, so much can cause the once trusting child to avoid what has become such a painful emotion, this love, that once shown in her heart like a red sun after a fierce storm, is now that fierce storm, she doing everything possible to avoid its wrath, the experiences of those who have tainted her love.

I wonder if those who have discovered the ability of self love, self acceptance, in its most pure and Godly form, are able to embrace love for others, even in an often wicked world. I wonder if those who struggle with love have bought into the scam that self love is selfish, that they are not worthy of love, that being hurt in love is the norm, to be expected. Have you bought into the lie, or do you understand the reality of Gods authentic love. In my own life, I had bought into the lie, and through my realization of Gods true love for me, I was able to slowly release the labels not from God and surround myself with His labels.

I encourage you, my friend and reader, to sit in the dim light of a quiet place, with a hot cup of coffee or tea, be silent in God’s presence, and be bathed thoroughly and Holy is His love. Read His word, look to Matthew Kelly’s guidance in “Rhythm of Life”, pick up your own God inspired book, and spend time in God’s love. Let Him remove the love pains of your life, and let Him show your heart the reality of that once child like love you once oh so well knew. Love is a constant, as is God, and equally real and authentic as is He. Love was never meant to be hurtful, we humans, as we so often do, muck it all up. Embrace your God, embrace His love for you, and begin to allow yourself to love you, your authentic self.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


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