Choices, Choices
The life of us humans is full of choices, and their related consequences. We do not always like the consequences of our choices, and in our pride, ignorance, and/or stubbornness, we often refuse to accept the consequences of our bad choices, repeating errors, hoping that continuing to do the same thing over and over will somehow deliver us a different result. Accepting the positive consequence of good choices is what we desire and can reinforce the habit of positive choices. Oddly enough, negative choices can be reinforced as well when we allow denial, rationalization, our low self worth, and our faulty and irrational perceptions to get in the way. In other words, when we live in a world of emotions, ignoring reality and refusing to adapt and adjust to reality, we are often doomed to eternal misery.
This is not to say that emotions are negative, as Love must surely be the most significant and most sought after emotion we humans have. To Love is to truly be, united, complete, satisfied, in a deep sense of harmony and serenity. To Love is to achieve that soulful connection with God and with His creation. No emotion is evil as all emotions come from God. It is when we turn them into something they were never meant to be, to control and dominant, is when emotions become dangerous, anger turning to rage, love turning to dominance and abuse, sympathy turning to manipulation, and the cycle continues into oblivion. How we choice to realize our emotions, express them, embrace them, and share them is significant.
We can all reflect in our lives and see consequences from our decisions that we wish we never had to experience. And if we are honest with ourselves, we can probably see consequences in our very lives today that continue from the negative choices we have made and continue to make. Change can be hard, and realizing prideful and arrogant choices can be equally difficult. Our choices don’t only impact us, but impact those around us and very possibly will impact generations to come.
Adam and Eve’s choice to listen to the temptations of Satan and ignore the complete Love and Obedience of God is one such choice that continues to impact every generation since the couple roamed throughout the garden. And, oddly once again, we, their offspring, continue to make the very same choices they made so long ago. Isn’t it sadly humorous how we continue to make the same prideful choices they made so long ago, even though we know the consequences that will surely follow? John Milton wrote in Paradise Lost, of this choice made so long ago that continues to affect us all; “Of mans first disobedience, and the first of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste brought death into the world, and all our woe.”
And the story would end there if left in the corrupt hands of humans. But the story doesn’t rest there, as God refused to allow the story to end in such misery. God made a promise to all of us, to reunite us to His goodness, through His own sacrifice, bridging the divide forever. Christmas is indeed a time of celebration and rebirth. It is also a time to reflect and embrace the love of Christ, the understanding of a Loving God, and to begin to allow God to once again create a rebirth in us as children of the King. This Christmas, realize who you are, understand the Love you have even if you don’t deserve it, and begin to make the changes in your choices that will lead down the road towards Bethlehem, towards the birth of a Savior, towards your own Godly relationship, sitting at the right hand of an Awesome and Loving God.
(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)
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