Soulful Noise

The vibrating sounds scream forth from the alarm clock, signaling a new day, an awaking, to face the challenges of life once again, out of our slumber and warm bed into the reality of life. Noises begin as showers start, others in the home awake, and with their rise, more noise. Televisions and radios and computers come alive as well, and the noises of the outside world fill the senses. The quiet of silence enjoyed throughout the night is now forgotten memories, having left along with the peace and serenity she brings. The day has begun; the horses are on the track.

So much of our day is filled with noise that blocks the sounds of silence, the teachings of the soul, and the words from our God. For some reason, silence has come to represent awkwardness, fear, rejection, anxiety, and loneliness, to name a few. We often have lost the power of silence and the wisdom it can bring. I have spent time with others who in the sounds of silence run as fast as they can into the noise of the world.

Silence means hearing the inner voices that reside inside our being that the worlds noise keeps quiet. Silence can be the language of a God who whispers in our ears, trying to cut through the meaningless noise of life. The winds speak loudly through silence. Nature reaches out to her fellow creations through the voice of silence.

It has been said the silence is the most powerful scream, that silence is the best answer to anger, that silence is a source of great strength, that silence is the language that touches the soul, and that silence is the best friend that never betrays. As I sit in silence, the noises of life creeping inside my home as the world continues to wake up outside, I am grateful that my God has allowed me the ability to enjoy His language of silence.

Take a break today and leave the radio off, leave the television and computers alone, sit and be in silence. Listen for what God has to tell you. Hear the fears you’ve pushed into the bottom of your soul and let God have them. Forgive those who have harmed you. Forgive yourself and realize in your silence that God loves you, only because you are His creation. Let silence fill your soul and be glad in it. Find your strength in the silence of who you are, letting go of the scripts others have written for you, refuting and pushing away the labels forced upon you.

In silence, discover your real self and begin to be at peace with you, with your God, and in this world. Silence can allow us to “be comfortable in our own skin”, and in this comfort, we let go and can just be.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


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