The Inner Coverings

A major focus in my life, in fact the one word which represents a huge concept that keeps me centered, is serenity. It’s not that I like the word as much as I feel it’s meaning when all in life is centered, no matter the peace or turmoil that lives in the external of my world. When the internal is serene, the external can be given up to be whatever it needs to be.

As the external skin keeps the internal body covered and creates a boundary around the physical body, the soul creates a boundary around the mind, the heart, the reality of the human being, as the body will grow old and fade and die and the true self, the soul, the spirit, remains eternal. We cover our bodies for modesty, protection, and warmth with clothing, shoes, hats, etc, and we must cover the soul with concepts such as serenity, which keep the being in the human protected from the elements of life.

It is much easier to keep the body protected than it is to keep the being protected, as physical coverings are tangible and being coverings are concepts and beliefs. Yet it is the belief system that drives and makes the man, not the clothing he wears, unless the depth one wishes to gain is superficial. Covering the body only takes money in hand; covering the being takes awareness of the authenticity of his very purpose, of a purpose that rests in a Being much Higher than he’ll ever understand, yet so earthly that he can easily embrace.

The cloak of serenity around the being of a human is the reality of God, the love of the Christ, the word of His Being. Frederick G. Lawrence, a Trinitarian priest, shared that, “the best, most available source of God’s will for me is the Bible. Study it! Learn it! Live it! Serenity is the reward.” That which interferes with what Lawrence spoke is that which pulls us from being centered in our existence, our life with God, which is control.

The desire and need for control refuses the being to allow the human to submit to such a way that he can gain serenity, as the control tells the being that serenity is gained through power, objects, possessions, greed, and the such, all which represents what God does not. As in the worn and precious words of Reinhold Niebuhr's serenity prayer, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.” The yearnings of the flesh desire power and the call of the Messiah pleads for acceptance, courage, wisdom, and most of all, love.

Today, keep your body warm and modest through the coverings of material objects and keep your soul and spirit well fed on the Word of God, bringing you into the serenity of His being.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


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