Courage of a Hero

A young friend wrote the other day why a drug addicted star receives constant media coverage while American Soldiers lose their lives on the other side of the world, ignored by the same media, too busy chasing after a young lady who so eagerly throws her life down the toilet of drug addiction. Coverage after coverage of people behaving badly, abusing and hurting each other, of people who have more money than they will ever use or need living a lifestyle of entitlement while others down the street go to bed hungry or worrying about their children or mortgage or a multitude of real problems. We jump behind the slick charisma of politicians who have no real life experience while we turn our backs on the elders who have walked the journey, ignoring their wisdom.

What we throw money at and who we lift up on our golden pedestals of idol worship must sadden the Ones who have passed before us, dedicating their lives to what we so readily take for granted. It is an easy task to align ourselves with those we perceive in power, chasing them like the white rabbit down the hole into a world of anticipated happiness only to find the reality of what we have become. Losing our soul to that which is not Righteous is a misery without words and can only be heard in the pain and suffering of those who have made such a choice. Many of us have heard that sound, have journeyed down that hole, and through the grace of God, have made it to the other end.

Courage is seen in the face of the man who holds his daughter as she cries throughout the night, hearts of both destroyed through the agony of death. It is seen in the worker who confronts the “evil” of corruption, standing against its seductive lure, living in his integrity and doing the right thing, even in the face of personal destruction. Courage belongs to the woman who refuses to submit to the culture of death and keep her child, finish high school, and heal her wounds of betrayal and rejection. It is in the Pope who shows the world how to die in grace and dignity, holding firmly to the hand of his God. Courage are the men and women who strive each day to embrace life when their addiction, mental illness, and life struggles tell them to end it all with the swallow of pills or the piercing of a bullet.

Some days we walk unaware of the tragedy of the human condition, and other days, we spend all day walking in and through it, witnessing those who stand up, those who fight, and sadly, those who can’t take it any longer and surrender to the painful reality that life can bring. As we walk the days of our journey, let us walk with open hearts and open eyes, allowing ourselves the privilege to help our fellow man. Let us slow down enough to see those around us and walk in the love of the Christ who showed us the reality of the Original Love.

Today, let us put aside those people we have placed on that alter and see the real hero, the truly courageous, who walk the trenches of the journey with us. We may not know their names, but we can see their deeds, we can feel their hearts, we can know their authenticity. Today, be courageous, be a hero, it’s never too late.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


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