Choices, Choices

The life of us humans is full of choices, and their related consequences. We do not always like the consequences of our choices, and in our pride, ignorance, and/or stubbornness, we often refuse to accept the consequences of our bad choices, repeating errors, hoping that continuing to do the same thing over and over will somehow deliver us a different result. Accepting the positive consequence of good choices is what we desire and can reinforce the habit of positive choices. Oddly enough, negative choices can be reinforced as well when we allow denial, rationalization, our low self worth, and our faulty and irrational perceptions to get in the way. In other words, when we live in a world of emotions, ignoring reality and refusing to adapt and adjust to reality, we are often doomed to eternal misery. This is not to say that emotions are negative, as Love must surely be the most significant and most sought after emotion we humans have. To Love is to truly be, united, complete, satisfie...