Seeing Blindly in Faith

Children also have the ability to believe what the labels and blinders of age cloud over in time. Children believe that people are fair, that justice applies to everyone, that if you see it it’s yours, and that people who love them will never hurt them. As we grow, the child hunkers down deep inside and the skeptic being created by culture and society emerges and takes the reins of the small ones heart, mind, and soul, asking the question, “Is there really anything good and true to believe in anymore?”.
The roads I’ve traveled on my journey have blackened my eyes more than once. My child remained dormant until the truth that was buried with him was rediscovered, reclaimed, and allowed to cleanse and heal the soul. Logic and what I can “see” clouded the faith of what my being knew to be true. So many of us give up our faith, our hope, and only hold onto what we claim as fact. We put our faith and our God in a box, in an attempt to control a God that is too big for any man-made box to contain.
Mark Batterson, in “Wild Goose Chase”, enlightens us with the concept that faith is neither logical nor illogical, but rather theological. He encourages us to understand that, “Logic questions God, faith questions assumptions, and at the end of the day, faith is trusting God more than you trust your own assumptions”. Trusting God is understanding the truth in a way that is beyond and far greater than what man can ever comprehend. Trusting God is regaining that child sense of wonder and awe in the hope and reality of love and joy.
It is our choice as to whether we will see through the eyes of wonder and belief or cynicism and disbelief. I encourage you today my friend and reader to not buy into the concept of limits, of self doubt, of 8 foot ceilings for an unlimited God. Reclaim the promises of your youth and the faith of your fathers. Reclaim the understanding that all is possible through the strength and power of God the Father and Christ the Son.
(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)
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