Yesterday and Today and Forever

An old friend of my life in the eighties wrote me a little note today. How nice is it to hear from people you knew in the “good old days”, especially from those whom you shared a good friendship bond. There are many people in my life I just don’t get to see or talk with often, whether they are only a 3 hour drive away or on the other side of the planet. Those unexpected “hellos” bring back fond memories of a younger me.

I suppose we all enjoy memories of the younger us, in a day when risk was worth taking and chances were the call of the day, when cares were few and happiness was the goal. The forgetfulness of my mind and the aches of my body tell me that yes, those are memories, and if I attempted what I did back then today, I probably “wouldn’t make it out alive”. Thank you God for the memories of yesterday and for the wisdom not to go back there again.

And at the same time, older age does bring with it wisdom. The memories of my youth stir old time happiness and the wisdom of my here and now bring forth more lasting joy and love that I ever could have imagined in my youth. I would not trade my present for my past for any amount of wealth or any amount of promises. In the normalcy of my life and in its daily struggles and triumphs, reality exists, and in this reality, I will embrace the joy it brings.

I encourage us all to embrace the fond memories of our youth, reconnect with an old friend, share the past and relive it in today. When it’s all done at the end of the day and reality resumes control, be grateful for the memories and for what you have today. Thank you my friend for the memories of yesterday. Thank you, my wife and children, for my reality of today. Thank you God for life, grace, forgiveness, and the wisdom to know Your reality in my life.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


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