Convince Yourself

Growing up, my mother read me the story of, “The Little Engine That Could”, probably dozens if not a hundred or more times, or at least, if not read it to me, told me of the little engine that could. In fact, I can remember my mother telling me about this little engine throughout my childhood, into my high school years, and even into my adulthood. One evening years ago, in sharing my hectic and crazy “scheduled” life of working multiple jobs, internships, completing my masters program, and taking care of my family, all at the same time, my mother reminded me of that little train that could, assuring me I can do anything I tell myself I can.

Funny how stories linger in our minds from our childhood and continue to strengthen and drive us into our adulthoods. That story of a little train that was originally told back in 1906 continues to echo in my psyche, helping to convince me that yes, I can do anything I put my soul into doing. As we humans continue to grow in our beings and discover who God has created us to be, once we recognize our need to be who we’re created to be and let go of what others have determined us to be, we must begin to convince ourselves that yes, we can do it, and yes, with perseverance and strength, we can achieve the changes we desire in our lives. Like the little train, we tell ourselves, “I think I can”, and with God, we move into the reality of, “I know I can”.

Paul affirms us in Philippians 4:13 that, “I can do all things through Christ who Strengthens me”. The words of Watty Piper’s little train continue to echo in my mind but the reality of Christ and the strength He gives me brings reality into my life in a very real manner that affirms and assures me that yes, in hard and easy times, in joy and pain, in celebration and in mourning, I can do all things, not through my strength, by through the strength of Christ, which never leaves me. My mother convinced me that I can do anything and my God and Savior continue to encourage me that staying with Him, I will do all things through his strength.

Accepting who we are, our place in this world, what is safe and what is not safe for us, and what people are safe in our lives, is a continual journey towards going Home. Refuting the negative voices, as one of my clients says, “the committee in my head”, from our belief system and convincing ourselves that nothing is impossible through Christ, gives us the power of forgiveness, the motivation for change, the will for acceptance, and convinces us that the good fight is worth fighting. Today, convince yourself that you are a worthy and valuable person, a child of the King. Accept your place in His kingdom and convince yourself to stay in His game.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


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