Burning Sparkles of Light

The beauty of the past weeks snow has become the dark masses along the edges of the streets, and the rains and raising temperatures of the present have turned the dark masses into flowing streams of water, returning to where they came from, all in the cycle of nature. The beauty of the snow only belongs in the eyes and minds of those who see it as beauty, not in the minds of those who see it as a hindrance with awaiting danger. The flow of rain and melted snow is seen as nourishment to the earth by those whose perceptions guide them in this direction, unlike those who see the approaching flood waters due to their perception of their location, along rivers and flood plains.

What is beauty and awe to one can very much be danger and fear to another. The mountains are like a welcoming town full of friendly trees and loving nature, and to others, a place of terror with looming threats to their wellbeing. The ocean is a refuge into serenity and comfort, an orchestra of soothing sounds and bass filled crashes, and to others, a memory of pain and risk. Nature is just what it is; it is within our perceptions that peace or fear rest.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “To the dull mind all nature is leaden. To the illumined mind the whole world burns and sparkles with light.” Our perceptions guide our thoughts, our actions, our beliefs, and our definition of self and surroundings. We can often surrender to the helplessness of our created perceptions, leaving our mind dull, fearing risk, fearing life, turning to inner isolation and abandonment. We can also begin to realize that life is bigger than what rests between our ears, bigger than our perceptions, and full of adventure, vulnerability, and joy.

Life is ours for the taking, if we will begin to move out of the regions between our ears, the established confines of our belief systems, and begin to see and sense our existence in a full and meaningful way. Seeing life as close as possible through the eyes of a child fills existence with awe and wonder. Seeing life as close as possible through the eyes of the Creator removes the scales from our eyes and allows us to see the reality of His beautiful creation, in every object, life form, sound, feelings, and sight.

Begin to see through the eyes you were given, no longer through the eyes your world molded for you. Embrace what is good and pure and leave the evil behind for a lesser being to own, for what is Good and Pure is from God, and what is evil and lesser is not. Embrace the sparkles of burning light that exist all around you.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit http://www.rodneyvalandra.com and refer to the links page.)


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