Beautiful People

This year’s Olympics have delivered into our homes exciting tricks on the snow board, amazing flights on skis, and magnificent poise on skates. What most of us see as the hazards of ice while driving or the play of snow for sledding, snow ball fights and igloos, athletes around the world use to demonstrate their skills for our entertainment (and their country pride).
These athletes demonstrate the perfection of the creation of the human being. In God’s Greatness and Perfection, God created man in His image, unique to all other creations crafted by His hand. No other creation was made in God’s image, only man, and only woman, two parts of one creation. It is easy to appreciate this creation when watching it perform in such beauty. It is harder to appreciate the creation of God in less favorable circumstances.
It is easy to disrespect God’s creation when driving the highways, screaming at other drivers, and equally easy when stumbling past the homeless, the unwanted, and the forgotten. The ease and desire of listening to the story of a friend or loved one becomes uncomfortable misery when hearing the story of the lonely coworker, the plea of a beggar, the plight of the depressed. So many needs of so many needy, getting in the way of lives with those we love.
A friend of mine once pointed out the contradiction of the Christian who can love the church but not the people in it, as if God lives in brick and mortar and not the hearts and souls of His children. Most of us, if not all of us, are guilty at times of turning the blind eye to the needs of God’s people. The point is not guilt but rather recognition of the beauty of all God’s children, not just those who entertain us.
Today, I challenge you my friend and reader, to love when love is not coming natural, to pray for those who irritate you, to wave with all your fingers and not just one. Every human we cross is a unique and special and purposeful creation of the same God who is our Creator. Let us love our God through the love of His creation. Our acts of love and kindness can impact the lives of all those we encounter.
(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)
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