Is This Map Right?

But as you probably know, Google maps are not always accurate and can leave out steps. It doesn’t always account for roadblocks and obstacles. We were traveling through Savannah, Georgia over the summer and I relied on Google maps on my phone to show me the way. I also relied on Google maps to guide me to our friends’ home in North Carolina. As you might guess, Google maps was a nice tool but it wasn’t accurate and often “led me astray”.
This reminds me of our travels through life. I have found that the only true road map in life is God’s word and His map for my life. In my earlier days, I would attempt to discover God’s will for my life and what direction to take, in my career, family, relationships, etc. It’s funny how often my keen understanding of God’s will lead me down some rather lengthy and confusing detours and dead ends in life.
Like the flaws of Google maps, my flaw in understanding God’s will was the belief that somehow in my superior intellect and human mind and human emotions that I could actually grasp God’s will. Oh, how human of me to think that in my human greatness I could obtain an understanding of the will of a Creator who hung the moon and set the stars exactly where He intended them to rest. Even more ridiculous is the notion that even though I can’t grasp my own will half of the time, I held onto a belief system that convinced me I could grasp the will of the God who created me, all of the time.
How childish we can be, even as we approach old age. I realized many years ago that knowing Gods will was beyond me, and when I often felt I did know his will, I was really merely repackaging my will as God’s will. We so often create our own will and call it God’s. I have discovered that in walking this journey of life with Gods roadmap, I am to simply "be". I am to spend my journey discovering this God, this Creator of mine, and in this relationship, I will become and grow as obedient as I am capable. In this, I will truly “know” God’s will.
I encourage you, my friend and reader, to walk the life God has made before you, through His word, and in that journey, trust Him, as He is the true and only map maker on this road we call life.
(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)
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