I Wonder

The clouds looked liked long jagged white and grey streaks, with touches of darker black, which stretched across the skies.  They represented left over’s from the storms of yesterday, and announced the coming storms that will arrive this afternoon.   The sun shone with warmth and life, breaching through the clouds, declaring a new and glorious day.  All creation of nature seemed to be bright with greens and yellows and occasional color of flowers and flowering weeds, which held their own sense of beauty on a cool and welcoming morning.  I don’t know if all was truly brighter than normal or my senses and awareness were in tuned with the Creators creation this morning.

“God of wonders beyond our galaxy, You are Holy, Holy. The universe declares your Majesty, And you are holy, holy”, echoes through my mind, the lyrics of a Third Day song.  The word that rings in my head is not holy as much as wonder.  I look around with wonder, of how can all this be, all this beauty, all this wonder, for me to enjoy, no cost, no price, just free, for just me.  My contemplation caused me to reflect upon just how often I don’t see the wonder due to the busyness of our American way.  To miss such wonder in the hurry to take myself to an office of manmade reality is really quite the “sin”. 

How often have you found yourself arriving for your destinations and never seeing the wonders that God has created, that surround you, for your pleasure, to be drank in, to heal your soul and give you energy and life.  Thich Nhat Hanh tells us that, “Stopping, calming, and resting are preconditions for healing”, and don’t we all have something we could use a little healing for.  The wonder is there, why not just notice it, why not be in its presence, why not be in His presence, and soak in the wonder of a Wonderful God. 

Today, let the wonders of the Creators creation remind you of who you are, a child of God, a being created in such love and beauty, it’s truly a wonder.  Let today be a day of wonder and worship, to a Savior who gives you complete love and acceptance, and to a God who gives you all the wonder you can embrace.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit http://www.rodneyvalandra.com and refer to the links page.)


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