Oh, the busyness of Technology

As we make attempts to micromanage our lives, I have to wonder what we would discover if we were to analyze our entries. How much time has been allotted for meetings, work duties, picking up the kids, taking them to sports and after school activities, social events, and duties and responsibilities? Moreover, I wonder just how much time you’d discover in your organizers that was set aside just for you, for your own well being, to connect to your soul and to commune with your God. Be honest, are you neglecting your two primary and most significant relationships, that with your God and with your own being?
Start today by taking the time to “pencil” in some one on one time with yourself. Take time today to be purposeful in connecting with your God. Block out time to be quiet, to walk in the woods, to pray, to meditate, and to be in oneness with the Creator. As Charles Richards wrote, “Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of.”
(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit http://www.rodneyvalandra.com and refer to the links page.)
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