Peace of Clouds

The clouds outside the widow fill the blue skies with dancing figures, slowly making their way towards the direction of the blowing winds. They are graceful and elegant, changing shapes as they move, rotating above the surface of the earth. They bring to the heart a peace of being in the moment, yesterday and tomorrow, equally unimportant and irrelevant. For today, they linger, and shift, and just are; oh what we can learn from a cloud. Life moves along the winds of change as the cloud moves along the winds that blow from one corner of the earth to the other. We often say in times of great joy, “oh, to wish this moment would last forever”. We also often say in times of great pain, “oh, if only this moment would vanish, and life would return to what it once was”. Neither is realistic, and neither will occur. Life moves and with life, we are to move as well. With all birth comes death and with all death comes life. With misery comes joy, pain with healing, failures with success, a...