So, How Are You?

There he sits, across the parking lot, never moving, always present, always on guard. He has been there the longest, he is the tallest, and he stretches above all others, witnessing his surrounding brothers, his relations of all kinds, taking nothing for granted, just being, just living, just enjoying what is brought his way. Not all have survived, he has seen many of his brethren removed before him, and he has been blessed to continue his existence. He is full in the spring and summer, colorful in the fall, and bare, mighty, and powerful, in the winter.

When I first arrived, somewhat battered from past negative experiences in my journey, he was the first I saw as I looked out my window. I was drawn to him and found many peaceful moments in his presence. To commune with another creature of the same Creator can bring insight into the world we both live in, we both influence, with so many similarities. We both have struggled to maintain our place in this world. We both have roots that are deep into what we’ve experienced, the roots that provide the life line into our strength and power. We both care for others, I my family, friends, and others, and he, his relations who find comfort, shelter, and nourishment from his very being.

He has taught me much when I’ve allowed the ears of my mind to hear his silent wisdom, to listen in his language, to interpret the voice of his being. God’s word tells us that His very nature testifies to His existence, to His greatness, to the Holiness of the Creator. Thomas Merton penned, a long time ago, “Out here in the woods I can think of nothing except God and it is not so much that I think of Him either. I am as aware of Him as of the sun and the clouds and the blue sky and the thin cedar trees.”

Communing with God with all that is His, with and within His creation, allows us the blessed opportunity to exist in the peaceful silence of His presence. The noise we two legged beings create to avoid the voice of God that exists in His silence, in the wind blowing through His trees, in the voice of the running creek or flowing river, or in the language spoken amongst the insects, birds and animals, robs us of truly being present and alive with a Great God in his equally great creation.

I encourage you, my friend and reader, to turn off the noise of our world and spend some time with God in His world, listening to His voice, in the sounds of His creation. Stop running from His voice that your soul so craves to hear, to embrace, to be embraced by its God. Find a tree, make a relation, and enjoy your God, in His creation.

(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit and refer to the links page.)


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