Happy Birthday, Little Girl

The boy, the brother, young himself, never told his little sister that that time, and times that followed, that he really just slowed down to encourage his little sister that she could run fast, that she could keep up with others, that she wasn’t just a little girl. In time, the little girl developed her own confidence and began to "let go" of her brothers hand. As time passed, and the little girl grew, her brother continued to stand by her and encourage her, being her protector, an ear and a shoulder to lend, and as they grew into adolescents, their relationship grew as well, with its ups and downs, helping each other, remaining close. They had their hard times, but she always knew he’d be there for her. As they became adults, they experienced their hard times as siblings, and the brother always remained committed to his sister, in his love, in his own struggles, and through her struggles as well.
Many of us have stories like this, people who have stood by us even when we don’t deserve their love. To experience such love is to obtain a glimpse of the face of God, to see unconditional love and to experience the heart and soul of another human being. Jesus is like the little brother, reaching out, encouraging, saying, “Take my hand, use my strength, and you can do all things through my strength”. Jesus is like the brother, who will stand by you no matter what you do, no matter how you reject him, his love will continue even when yours and mine fail in the struggles and faith-quakes of life.
God walks our roads with us, never leaving us alone. As you continue to walk through a new year, I encourage you my friend and reader, to hold tight to the reality of God’s love and desires for your life. Know that He is there even when we let loose of his hand. As the little girl who relied on the strength of her brother, rely on the strength of your God as you make changes in your life and work towards accomplishing the goals God has placed in your heart and mind for this New Year. You never need to walk life alone, as the little girl learned from her brother, and as her brother learned from his God.
(The writings in this post are random thoughts and observations and are NEVER intended as professional or personal advice. Take what works and leave the rest. For information on mental health and/or substance abuse help, visit http://www.rodneyvalandra.com and refer to the links page.)
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