Seeing Blindly in Faith

Have you ever watched the wonder and awe of a child? They seem to have the capacity to believe anything is possible. They aren’t limited by the knowledge and doubt that comes with age. They are also not limited to the critical brain and suspiciousness of people. Children see and feel and dream and think and just be. Oh how much some of us old people need to recapture that child of days long ago. Children also have the ability to believe what the labels and blinders of age cloud over in time. Children believe that people are fair, that justice applies to everyone, that if you see it it’s yours, and that people who love them will never hurt them. As we grow, the child hunkers down deep inside and the skeptic being created by culture and society emerges and takes the reins of the small ones heart, mind, and soul, asking the question, “Is there really anything good and true to believe in anymore?”. The roads I’ve traveled on my journey have...